import copy
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.modeling.models import Shift
from astropy.modeling.tabular import Tabular1D
from gwcs import WCS as GWCS
from gwcs import coordinate_frames as cf
class SpectralGWCS(GWCS):
This is a placeholder lookup-table GWCS created when a :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D` is
instantiated with a ``spectral_axis`` and no WCS.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.original_unit = kwargs.pop("original_unit", "")
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def copy(self):
Return a shallow copy of the object.
Convenience method so user doesn't have to import the
:mod:`copy` stdlib module.
.. warning::
Use `deepcopy` instead of `copy` unless you know why you need a
shallow copy.
return copy.copy(self)
def deepcopy(self):
Return a deep copy of the object.
Convenience method so user doesn't have to import the
:mod:`copy` stdlib module.
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def pixel_to_world(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.original_unit == '':
return u.Quantity(super().pixel_to_world_values(*args, **kwargs))
return super().pixel_to_world(*args, **kwargs).to(
self.original_unit, equivalencies=u.spectral())
def refraction_index(wavelength, method='Morton2000', co2=None):
Calculates the index of refraction of dry air at standard temperature
and pressure, at different wavelengths, using different methods.
wavelength : `Quantity` object (number or sequence)
Vacuum wavelengths with an astropy.unit.
method : str, optional
Method used to convert wavelengths. Options are:
'Morton2000' (default) - from Morton (2000, ApJS, 130, 403), eqn 8. Used by VALD,
the Vienna Atomic Line Database. Very similar to Edlen (1966).
'Griesen2006' - from Greisen et al. (2006, A&A 446, 747),
eqn. 65, standard used by International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
'Edlen1953' - from Edlen (1953, J. Opt. Soc. Am, 43, 339). Standard
adopted by IAU (resolution No. C15, Commission 44, XXI GA, 1991),
which refers to Oosterhoff (1957) that uses Edlen (1953). Also used
by Morton (1991, ApJS, 77, 119), which is frequently cited as IAU source.
'Edlen1966' - from Edlen (1966, Metrologia 2, 71), rederived constants
from optical and near UV data.
'PeckReeder1972' - from Peck & Reeder (1972, J. Opt. Soc. 62), derived
from additional infrared measurements (up to 1700 nm).
'Ciddor1996' - from Ciddor (1996, Appl. Opt. 35, 1566). Based on
Peck & Reeder (1972), but updated to account for the changes in
the international temperature scale and adjust the results for
CO2 concentration. Arguably most accurate conversion available.
Note that all options except for 'Griesen2006' have singularities in the far
UV. 'Griesen2006' gives values that are slightly inconsistent with the
other methods (~0.07 Angstrom difference at visible wavelengths), but it is
the best option in the FUV due to the mathematical singularities in the others.
See for more detail, or for additional context.
co2 : number, optional
CO2 concentration in ppm. Only used for method='Ciddor1996'. If not
given, a default concentration of 450 ppm is used.
refr : number or sequence
Index of refraction at each given air wavelength.
VALID_METHODS = ['Griesen2006', 'Edlen1953', 'Edlen1966', 'Morton2000',
'PeckReeder1972', 'Ciddor1996']
assert isinstance(method, str), 'method must be a string'
if method != 'Griesen2006' and wavelength.min() < 200 * u.nm:
raise ValueError("The chosen method is invalid for wavelengths below 250 nm."
" 'Griesen2006' is the only option for this wavelength range -"
" see the specutils.utils.wcs_utils.refraction_index docstring"
" for more detail.")
method = method.lower()
sigma2 = (1 /**2
if method == 'griesen2006':
refr = 1e-6 * (287.6155 + 1.62887 * sigma2 + 0.01360 * sigma2**2)
elif method == 'edlen1953':
refr = 6.4328e-5 + 2.94981e-2 / (146 - sigma2) + 2.5540e-4 / (41 - sigma2)
elif method == 'edlen1966':
refr = 8.34213e-5 + 2.406030e-2 / (130 - sigma2) + 1.5997e-4 / (38.9 - sigma2)
elif method == 'morton2000':
refr = 8.34254e-5 + 2.406147e-2 / (130 - sigma2) + 1.5998e-4 / (38.9 - sigma2)
elif method == 'peckreeder1972':
refr = 5.791817e-2 / (238.0185 - sigma2) + 1.67909e-3 / (57.362 - sigma2)
elif method == 'ciddor1996':
refr = 5.792105e-2 / (238.0185 - sigma2) + 1.67917e-3 / (57.362 - sigma2)
if co2:
refr *= 1 + 0.534e-6 * (co2 - 450)
raise ValueError("Method must be one of " + ", ".join(VALID_METHODS))
return refr + 1
def vac_to_air(wavelength, method='Morton2000', co2=None):
Converts vacuum to air wavelengths using different methods.
wavelength : `Quantity` object (number or sequence)
Vacuum wavelengths with an astropy.unit.
method : str, optional
One of the methods in refraction_index(), default is 'Morton2000'.
co2 : number, optional
Atmospheric CO2 concentration in ppm. Only used for method='Ciddor1996'.
If not given, a default concentration of 450 ppm is used.
air_wavelength : `Quantity` object (number or sequence)
Air wavelengths with the same unit as wavelength.
refr = refraction_index(wavelength, method=method, co2=co2)
return wavelength / refr
def air_to_vac(wavelength, scheme='inversion', method='Morton2000', co2=None,
precision=1e-12, maxiter=30):
Converts air to vacuum wavelengths using different methods.
wavelength : `Quantity` object (number or sequence)
Air wavelengths with an astropy.unit.
scheme : str, optional
How to convert from vacuum to air wavelengths. Options are:
* 'inversion' (default) - result is simply the inversion (1 / n) of the
refraction index of air. Griesen et al. (2006) report that the error
in naively inverting is less than 10^-9.
* 'Piskunov' - uses an analytical solution derived by Nikolai Piskunov
and used by the Vienna Atomic Line Database (VALD).
* 'iteration' - uses an iterative scheme to invert the index of refraction.
method : str, optional
Only used if scheme is 'inversion' or 'iteration'. One of the methods
in `~specutils.utils.wcs_utils.refraction_index`, default is 'Morton2000'
co2 : number, optional
Atmospheric CO2 concentration in ppm. Only used if scheme='inversion' and
method='Ciddor1996'. If not given, a default concentration of 450 ppm is used.
precision : float
Maximum fractional value in refraction conversion beyond at which iteration will
be stopped. Only used if scheme='iteration'.
maxiter : integer
Maximum number of iterations to run. Only used if scheme='iteration'.
vac_wavelength : `Quantity` object (number or sequence)
Vacuum wavelengths with the same unit as wavelength.
VALID_SCHEMES = ['inversion', 'iteration', 'piskunov']
assert isinstance(scheme, str), 'scheme must be a string'
scheme = scheme.lower()
if scheme == 'inversion':
refr = refraction_index(wavelength, method=method, co2=co2)
elif scheme == 'piskunov':
wlum =
sigma2 = (1e4 / wlum)**2
refr = (8.336624212083e-5 + 2.408926869968e-2 / (130.1065924522 - sigma2) +
1.599740894897e-4 / (38.92568793293 - sigma2)) + 1
elif scheme == 'iteration':
# Refraction index is a function of vacuum wavelengths.
# Iterate to get index of refraction that gives air wavelength that
# is consistent with the reverse transformation.
counter = 0
result = wavelength.copy()
refr = refraction_index(wavelength, method=method, co2=co2)
while True:
counter += 1
diff = wavelength * refr - result
if abs(diff.max().value) < precision:
if counter > maxiter:
raise RuntimeError("Reached maximum number of iterations "
"without reaching desired precision level.")
result += diff
refr = refraction_index(result, method=method, co2=co2)
raise ValueError("Method must be one of " + ", ".join(VALID_SCHEMES))
return wavelength * refr
def air_to_vac_deriv(wavelength, method='Griesen2006'):
Calculates the derivative d(wave_vacuum) / d(wave_air) using different
wavelength : `Quantity` object (number or sequence)
Air wavelengths with an astropy.unit.
method : str, optional
Method used to convert wavelength derivative. Options are:
'Griesen2006' (default) - from Greisen et al. (2006, A&A 446, 747), eqn. 66.
wave_deriv : `Quantity` object (number or sequence)
Derivative d(wave_vacuum) / d(wave_air).
assert method.lower() == 'griesen2006', "Only supported method is 'Griesen2006'"
wlum =
return (1 + 1e-6 * (287.6155 - 1.62887 / wlum**2 - 0.04080 / wlum**4))
def gwcs_from_array(array):
Create a new WCS from provided tabular data. This defaults to being
a GWCS object.
orig_array = u.Quantity(array)
coord_frame = cf.CoordinateFrame(naxes=1,
spec_frame = cf.SpectralFrame(unit=array.unit, axes_order=(0,))
# In order for the world_to_pixel transformation to automatically convert
# input units, the equivalencies in the look up table have to be extended
# with spectral unit information.
SpectralTabular1D = type("SpectralTabular1D", (Tabular1D,),
{'input_units_equivalencies': {'x0': u.spectral()}})
forward_transform = SpectralTabular1D(np.arange(len(array)),
# If our spectral axis is in descending order, we have to flip the lookup
# table to be ascending in order for world_to_pixel to work.
if len(array) == 0 or array[-1] > array[0]:
forward_transform.inverse = SpectralTabular1D(
array, lookup_table=np.arange(len(array)))
forward_transform.inverse = SpectralTabular1D(
array[::-1], lookup_table=np.arange(len(array))[::-1])
tabular_gwcs = SpectralGWCS(original_unit = orig_array.unit,
# Store the intended unit from the origin input array
# tabular_gwcs._input_unit = orig_array.unit
return tabular_gwcs
def gwcs_slice(self, item):
This is a bit of a hack in order to fix the slicing of the WCS
in the spectral dispersion direction. The NDData slices properly
but the spectral dispersion result was not.
There is code slightly downstream that sets the *number* of entries
in the dispersion axis, this is just needed to shift to the correct
starting element.
When WCS gets the ability to do slicing then we might be able to
remove this code.
# Create shift of x-axis
if isinstance(item, int):
shift = item
elif isinstance(item, slice):
shift = item.start
raise TypeError('Unknown index type {}, must be int or slice.'.format(item))
# Create copy as we need to modify this and return it.
new_wcs = copy.deepcopy(self)
if shift == 0:
return new_wcs
shifter = Shift(shift)
# Get the current forward transform
forward = new_wcs.forward_transform
# Set the new transform
shifter | forward)
return new_wcs