Identifying Spectrum1D FormatsΒΆ
provides a convenience function,
, which attempts to guess the
file format from the list of registered formats, and
essentially acts as a wrapper on identify_format
This function is useful for identifying a spectrum file format without reading the
whole file with the read
method. It uses the
same identification method as read
however, so it provides a convenience
of access outside of calling read
without any change in underlying functionality.
It returns the best guess as to a valid format from the list of Formats
as given by get_formats
For eample, to identify a SDSS MaNGA data cube file:
>>> from import download_file
>>> from import identify_spectrum_format
>>> url = ''
>>> dd = download_file(url)
>>> identify_spectrum_format(dd)
'MaNGA cube'
or a JWST extracted 1d spectral file:
>>> from import identify_spectrum_format
>>> path = '/data/jwst/jw00626-o030_s00000_nirspec_f170lp-g235m_x1d.fits'
>>> identify_spectrum_format(path)
'JWST x1d'