Source code for specutils.manipulation.resample

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
from astropy.nddata import VarianceUncertainty, InverseVariance
from astropy.units import Quantity
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

from ..spectra import Spectrum1D, SpectralAxis

__all__ = ['ResamplerBase', 'FluxConservingResampler',
           'LinearInterpolatedResampler', 'SplineInterpolatedResampler']

[docs] class ResamplerBase(ABC): """ Base class for resample classes. The algorithms and needs for difference resamples will vary quite a bit, so this class is relatively sparse. Parameters ---------- extrapolation_treatment : str What to do when resampling off the edge of the spectrum. Can be ``'nan_fill'`` to have points beyond the edges by set to NaN, ``'zero_fill'`` to set thoe points to zero, or ``'truncate'`` to truncate any non-overlapping bins of the spectrum. """ def __init__(self, extrapolation_treatment='nan_fill'): if extrapolation_treatment not in ('nan_fill', 'zero_fill', 'truncate'): raise ValueError('invalid extrapolation_treatment value: ' + str(extrapolation_treatment)) self.extrapolation_treatment = extrapolation_treatment
[docs] def __call__(self, orig_spectrum, fin_spec_axis): """ Return the resulting `~specutils.Spectrum1D` of the resampling. """ return self.resample1d(orig_spectrum, fin_spec_axis)
[docs] @abstractmethod def resample1d(self, orig_spectrum, fin_spec_axis): """ Workhorse method that will return the resampled Spectrum1D object. """ return NotImplemented
[docs] class FluxConservingResampler(ResamplerBase): """ This resampling algorithm conserves overall integrated flux (as opposed to flux density). Algorithm based on the equations documented in the following paper: Parameters ---------- extrapolation_treatment : str What to do when resampling off the edge of the spectrum. Can be ``'nan_fill'`` to have points beyond the edges by set to NaN, ``'zero_fill'`` to set those points to zero, or ``'truncate'`` to truncate any non-overlapping bins of the spectrum. Examples -------- To resample an input spectrum to a user specified spectral grid using a flux conserving algorithm: >>> import numpy as np >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from specutils import Spectrum1D >>> from specutils.manipulation import FluxConservingResampler >>> input_spectra = Spectrum1D( ... flux=np.array([1, 3, 7, 6, 20]) * u.mJy, ... spectral_axis=np.array([2, 4, 12, 16, 20]) * u.nm) >>> resample_grid = [1, 5, 9, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23] *u.nm >>> fluxc_resample = FluxConservingResampler() >>> fluxc_resample(input_spectra, resample_grid) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP <Spectrum1D(flux=<Quantity [ 1. , 3. , 6. , 7. , 6.25, 10. , 20. , nan, nan] mJy> (shape=(9,), mean=7.60714 mJy); spectral_axis=<SpectralAxis [ 1. 5. 9. ... 21. 22. 23.] nm> (length=9))> """ def _fluxc_resample(self, input_bin_centers, output_bin_centers, input_bin_fluxes, errs): """ Resample ``input_bin_fluxes`` and (optionally) ``errs`` from ``input_bin_centers`` to ``output_bin_centers``. Parameters ---------- input_bin_centers : `~specutils.SpectralAxis` `~specutils.SpectralAxis` object, with input bin centers. output_bin_centers : `~specutils.SpectralAxis` `~specutils.SpectralAxis` object, with input bin centers. input_bin_fluxes : Quantity Quantity array of flux values. errs : `~astropy.nddata.Variance` object, or None Variance array of errors corresponding to input bin fluxes. If None, error resampling is not performed. Returns ------- (output_fluxes, output_errs) A tuple containing plain numpy arrays of the resampled fluxes and errors (if available). """ fill_val = np.nan # bin_edges=nan_fill case if self.extrapolation_treatment == 'zero_fill': fill_val = 0 # get bin edges from centers input_bin_edges = input_bin_centers.bin_edges.value output_bin_edges = output_bin_centers.bin_edges.value # create array of output fluxes and errors to be returned output_fluxes = np.zeros(shape=len(output_bin_centers)) * input_bin_fluxes.unit output_errs = None if errs is not None: output_errs = np.zeros(shape=len(output_bin_centers)) # first, figure out what output bins cover wavelengths outside the span of # input bins. these bins should have fluxes set to nan (or whatever the # fill val is.) and can be skipped min_idx = 0 max_idx = None low_out_of_range = np.where(output_bin_edges <= input_bin_edges[0])[0] if len(low_out_of_range) > 0: # if any bins below wavelength range min_idx = low_out_of_range[-1] # This doesn't need +1 because bin_edges has len+1 compared to output_fluxes output_fluxes[:min_idx] = fill_val if errs is not None: output_errs[:min_idx] = fill_val high_out_of_range = np.where(output_bin_edges > input_bin_edges[-1])[0] if len(high_out_of_range) > 0: max_idx = high_out_of_range[0] - 1 output_fluxes[max_idx:] = fill_val if errs is not None: output_errs[max_idx:] = fill_val clipped_output_centers = output_bin_centers[min_idx:max_idx] # find the index of the first input bin that intersects the first # in-range output bin. first_output_edge = output_bin_edges[min_idx] idx_last_overlapping_bin = np.where(input_bin_edges[1:] > first_output_edge)[0][0] # iterate over each output bin in wavelength range of input bins for i, output_bin in enumerate(clipped_output_centers): i = i + min_idx # index in orig, unclipped array bin_start, bin_stop = output_bin_edges[i], output_bin_edges[i+1] # the first at least partially overlapping bin was determined in the # last iteration (or by the initial clipping, if i=0) first_bin = idx_last_overlapping_bin # keep checking bins, starting at the one after we know overlaps first, # and stop when the back edge of an input bin overlaps the front # edge of this output bin. while input_bin_edges[idx_last_overlapping_bin + 1] < bin_stop: idx_last_overlapping_bin += 1 # if the front edge of the last overlapping bin terminates in this # output bin, don't check it next time final_bin = idx_last_overlapping_bin if input_bin_edges[idx_last_overlapping_bin + 1] <= bin_stop: idx_last_overlapping_bin = idx_last_overlapping_bin + 1 # now, calculate fluxes and errors # if only one input bin covers this output bin # flux_j=p_ij*w_i*f_i/p_ij*w_i = f_i - f_j=f_i, err_j=err_i if final_bin == first_bin: output_fluxes[i] = input_bin_fluxes[first_bin] if errs is not None: output_errs[i] = errs[first_bin] # otherwise, figure out the contribution from each overlapping # input bin to calculate the final flux in the output bin. else: # the first edges of each overlapping input bin first_edges = input_bin_edges[first_bin:final_bin+1] # the final edges of each overlapping input bin second_edges = input_bin_edges[first_bin+1:final_bin+2] # to calculate the overlap area, of input on output, we # want to only deal with input bin's leading edges if they are # inside the output bin. otherwise, they are bounded by the # output bin edges. temporarily set the last edges to the output # bin bounds and then reset them at the end first_edges_orig_first = first_edges[0] first_edges[0] = bin_start second_edges_orig_last = second_edges[-1] second_edges[-1] = bin_stop p_ij = second_edges - first_edges # reset back first_edges[0] = first_edges_orig_first second_edges[-1] = second_edges_orig_last sum_pij = np.sum(p_ij) final_flux = (np.sum(input_bin_fluxes[first_bin:final_bin+1] * p_ij)) / sum_pij output_fluxes[i] = final_flux if errs is not None: final_err = np.sum((errs[first_bin:final_bin+1] * p_ij) ** 2) / (sum_pij * sum_pij) output_errs[i] = np.sqrt(final_err) if errs is not None: output_errs = InverseVariance(np.reciprocal(output_errs)) return (output_fluxes, output_errs)
[docs] def resample1d(self, orig_spectrum, fin_spec_axis): """ Create a re-sampling matrix to be used in re-sampling spectra in a way that conserves flux. If an uncertainty is present in the input spectra it will be propagated through to the final resampled output spectra as an InverseVariance uncertainty. Parameters ---------- orig_spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D` The original 1D spectrum. fin_spec_axis : Quantity The desired spectral axis array. Returns ------- resampled_spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D` An output spectrum containing the resampled `~specutils.Spectrum1D` """ if isinstance(fin_spec_axis, Quantity): if orig_spectrum.spectral_axis.unit != fin_spec_axis.unit: raise ValueError("Original spectrum spectral axis grid and new" "spectral axis grid must have the same units.") if not isinstance(fin_spec_axis, SpectralAxis): fin_spec_axis = SpectralAxis(fin_spec_axis) # Get provided uncertainty into variance if orig_spectrum.uncertainty is not None: pixel_uncer = orig_spectrum.uncertainty.represent_as(VarianceUncertainty).array else: pixel_uncer = None # convert unit orig_axis_in_fin = # handle multi dimensional flux inputs if orig_spectrum.flux.ndim >= 2: # the output fluxes and errs should have the same shape as the input # except for the last axis, which should be the size of the new # spectral axis new_shape = tuple(list(orig_spectrum.shape[0:-1]) + [len(fin_spec_axis)]) # make output matricies output_fluxes = np.zeros(shape=new_shape) output_errs = np.zeros(shape=new_shape) for index, row in np.ndenumerate(orig_spectrum.flux[..., 0]): orig_fluxes = orig_spectrum.flux[index] orig_uncer = pixel_uncer[index] new_f, new_e = self._fluxc_resample(input_bin_centers=orig_axis_in_fin, output_bin_centers=fin_spec_axis, input_bin_fluxes=orig_fluxes, errs=orig_uncer) output_fluxes[index] = new_f output_errs[index] = new_e.array new_errs = InverseVariance(output_errs) else: # calculate new fluxes and errors output_fluxes, new_errs = self._fluxc_resample(input_bin_centers=orig_axis_in_fin, output_bin_centers=fin_spec_axis, input_bin_fluxes=orig_spectrum.flux, errs=pixel_uncer) output_fluxes = output_fluxes << orig_spectrum.flux.unit fin_spec_axis = np.array(fin_spec_axis) << orig_spectrum.spectral_axis.unit if self.extrapolation_treatment == 'truncate': fin_spec_axis = fin_spec_axis[np.where(~np.isnan(output_fluxes))] if new_errs is not None: new_errs = new_errs[np.where(~np.isnan(output_fluxes))] output_fluxes = output_fluxes[np.where(~np.isnan(output_fluxes))] resampled_spectrum = Spectrum1D(flux=output_fluxes, spectral_axis=fin_spec_axis, uncertainty=new_errs) return resampled_spectrum
[docs] class LinearInterpolatedResampler(ResamplerBase): """ Resample a spectrum onto a new ``spectral_axis`` using linear interpolation. Parameters ---------- extrapolation_treatment : str What to do when resampling off the edge of the spectrum. Can be ``'nan_fill'`` to have points beyond the edges by set to NaN, ``'zero_fill'`` to set those points to zero, or ``'truncate'`` to truncate any non-overlapping bins of the spectrum. Examples -------- To resample an input spectrum to a user specified dispersion grid using linear interpolation: >>> import numpy as np >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from specutils import Spectrum1D >>> from specutils.manipulation import LinearInterpolatedResampler >>> input_spectra = Spectrum1D( ... flux=np.array([1, 3, 7, 6, 20]) * u.mJy, ... spectral_axis=np.array([2, 4, 12, 16, 20]) * u.nm) >>> resample_grid = [1, 5, 9, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23] * u.nm >>> fluxc_resample = LinearInterpolatedResampler() >>> fluxc_resample(input_spectra, resample_grid) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP <Spectrum1D(flux=<Quantity [ nan, 3.5 , 5.5 , 6.75, 6.5 , 9.5 , nan, nan, nan] mJy> (shape=(9,), mean=6.35000 mJy); spectral_axis=<SpectralAxis [ 1. 5. 9. ... 21. 22. 23.] nm> (length=9))> """ def __init__(self, extrapolation_treatment='nan_fill'): super().__init__(extrapolation_treatment)
[docs] def resample1d(self, orig_spectrum, fin_spec_axis): """ Call interpolation, repackage new spectra Parameters ---------- orig_spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D` The original 1D spectrum. fin_spec_axis : ndarray The desired spectral axis array. Returns ------- resample_spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D` An output spectrum containing the resampled `~specutils.Spectrum1D` """ fill_val = np.nan # bin_edges=nan_fill case if self.extrapolation_treatment == 'zero_fill': fill_val = 0 orig_axis_in_fin = out_flux_arr = np.interp(fin_spec_axis.value, orig_axis_in_fin.value, orig_spectrum.flux.value, left=fill_val, right=fill_val) out_flux = Quantity(out_flux_arr, unit=orig_spectrum.flux.unit) new_unc = None if orig_spectrum.uncertainty is not None: out_unc_arr = np.interp(fin_spec_axis.value, orig_axis_in_fin.value, orig_spectrum.uncertainty.array, left=fill_val, right=fill_val) new_unc = orig_spectrum.uncertainty.__class__(array=out_unc_arr, unit=orig_spectrum.unit) if self.extrapolation_treatment == 'truncate': fin_spec_axis = fin_spec_axis[np.where(~np.isnan(out_flux))] if new_unc is not None: new_unc = new_unc[np.where(~np.isnan(out_flux))] out_flux = out_flux[np.where(~np.isnan(out_flux))] return Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=fin_spec_axis, flux=out_flux, uncertainty=new_unc)
[docs] class SplineInterpolatedResampler(ResamplerBase): """ This resample algorithim uses a cubic spline interpolator. Any uncertainty is also interpolated using an identical spline. Parameters ---------- extrapolation_treatment : str What to do when resampling off the edge of the spectrum. Can be ``'nan_fill'`` to have points beyond the edges by set to NaN, ``'zero_fill'`` to set those points to zero, or ``'truncate'`` to truncate any non-overlapping bins of the spectrum. Any other value will have the spline interpolate beyond the edges of the original data. Examples -------- To resample an input spectrum to a user specified spectral axis grid using a cubic spline interpolator: >>> import numpy as np >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from specutils import Spectrum1D >>> from specutils.manipulation import SplineInterpolatedResampler >>> input_spectra = Spectrum1D( ... flux=np.array([1, 3, 7, 6, 20]) * u.mJy, ... spectral_axis=np.array([2, 4, 12, 16, 20]) * u.nm) >>> resample_grid = [1, 5, 9, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23] * u.nm >>> fluxc_resample = SplineInterpolatedResampler() >>> fluxc_resample(input_spectra, resample_grid) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP <Spectrum1D(flux=<Quantity [ nan, 3.98808594, 6.94042969, 6.45869141, 5.89921875, 7.29736328, nan, nan, nan] mJy> (shape=(9,), mean=6.11676 mJy); spectral_axis=<SpectralAxis [ 1. 5. 9. ... 21. 22. 23.] nm> (length=9))> """ def __init__(self, extrapolation_treatment='nan_fill'): super().__init__(extrapolation_treatment)
[docs] def resample1d(self, orig_spectrum, fin_spec_axis): """ Call interpolation, repackage new spectra Parameters ---------- orig_spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D` The original 1D spectrum. fin_spec_axis : Quantity The desired spectral axis array. Returns ------- resample_spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D` An output spectrum containing the resampled `~specutils.Spectrum1D` """ orig_axis_in_new = flux_spline = CubicSpline(orig_axis_in_new.value, orig_spectrum.flux.value, extrapolate=self.extrapolation_treatment not in ('nan_fill', 'zero_fill', 'truncate')) out_flux_val = flux_spline(fin_spec_axis.value) new_unc = None if orig_spectrum.uncertainty is not None: unc_spline = CubicSpline(orig_axis_in_new.value, orig_spectrum.uncertainty.array, extrapolate=self.extrapolation_treatment not in ('nan_fill', 'zero_fill', 'truncate')) out_unc_val = unc_spline(fin_spec_axis.value) new_unc = orig_spectrum.uncertainty.__class__(array=out_unc_val, unit=orig_spectrum.unit) fill_val = np.nan if self.extrapolation_treatment == 'zero_fill': fill_val = 0 orig_edges = orig_axis_in_new.bin_edges off_edges = (fin_spec_axis < np.min(orig_edges)) | (np.max(orig_edges) < fin_spec_axis) out_flux_val[off_edges] = fill_val if new_unc is not None: new_unc.array[off_edges] = fill_val if self.extrapolation_treatment == 'truncate': fin_spec_axis = fin_spec_axis[np.where(~np.isnan(out_flux_val))] if new_unc is not None: new_unc = new_unc[np.where(~np.isnan(out_flux_val))] out_flux_val = out_flux_val[np.where(~np.isnan(out_flux_val))] return Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=fin_spec_axis, flux=out_flux_val*orig_spectrum.flux.unit, uncertainty=new_unc)