Source code for specutils.manipulation.extract_spectral_region
import sys
from math import floor, ceil # faster than int(np.floor/ceil(float))
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from ..spectra import Spectrum1D, SpectralRegion
__all__ = ['extract_region', 'extract_bounding_spectral_region', 'spectral_slab']
def _edge_value_to_pixel(edge_value, spectrum, order, side):
spectral_axis = spectrum.spectral_axis
if order == 'ascending':
index = np.searchsorted(spectral_axis, edge_value, side=side)
return index
elif order == 'descending':
if side == 'left':
opposite_side = 'right'
opposite_side = 'left'
index = len(spectral_axis) - np.searchsorted(spectral_axis[::-1], edge_value, side=opposite_side)
return index
def _subregion_to_edge_pixels(subregion, spectrum):
Calculate and return the left and right indices defined
by the lower and upper bounds and based on the input
`~specutils.spectra.spectrum1d.Spectrum1D`. The left and right indices will
be returned.
spectrum: `~specutils.spectra.spectrum1d.Spectrum1D`
The spectrum object from which the region will be extracted.
left_index, right_index: int, int
Left and right indices defined by the lower and upper bounds.
spectral_axis = spectrum.spectral_axis
if spectral_axis[-1] > spectral_axis[0]:
order = "ascending"
left_func = min
right_func = max
order = "descending"
left_func = max
right_func = min
# Left/lower side of sub region
if subregion[0].unit.is_equivalent(u.pix):
# Pixel handling assumes always ascending
if not spectral_axis.unit.is_equivalent(u.pix):
left_index = floor(subregion[0].value)
# If the lower bound is larger than the largest value, immediately return nothing
# Assuming ascending, both bounds are "out of bounds"
if subregion[0] > spectral_axis[-1]:
return None, None
# Get index of closest value
# See if performance becomes an issue
left_index = np.nanargmin((np.abs(spectral_axis - subregion[0])))
# Ensure index is inclusive of region bounds
if (spectral_axis[left_index] > subregion[0]) and (left_index >= 1):
left_index -= 1
# Convert lower value to spectrum spectral_axis units
left_reg_in_spec_unit = left_func(subregion).to(spectral_axis.unit,
left_index = _edge_value_to_pixel(left_reg_in_spec_unit, spectrum, order, "left")
# Right/upper side of sub region
if subregion[1].unit.is_equivalent(u.pix):
# Pixel handling assumes always ascending
if not spectral_axis.unit.is_equivalent(u.pix):
right_index = ceil(subregion[1].value)
# If upper bound is smaller than smallest value, immediately return nothing
# Assuming ascending, both bounds are "out of bounds"
if subregion[1] < spectral_axis[0]:
return None, None
# Get index of closest value
# See if performance becomes an issue
right_index = np.nanargmin((np.abs(spectral_axis - subregion[1])))
# Ensure index is inclusive of region bounds
if (spectral_axis[right_index] < subregion[1]) and (right_index < len(spectral_axis)):
right_index += 1
# Convert upper value to spectrum spectral_axis units
right_reg_in_spec_unit = right_func(subregion).to(spectral_axis.unit,
right_index = _edge_value_to_pixel(right_reg_in_spec_unit, spectrum, order, "right")
# If the spectrum is in wavelength and region is in Hz (for example), these still might be reversed
if left_index < right_index:
return left_index, right_index
return right_index, left_index
def extract_region(spectrum, region, return_single_spectrum=False):
Extract a region from the input `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
defined by the lower and upper bounds defined by the ``region``
instance. The extracted region will be returned as a new
spectrum: `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
The spectrum object from which the region will be extracted.
region: `~specutils.SpectralRegion`
The spectral region to extract from the original spectrum.
return_single_spectrum: `bool`
If ``region`` has multiple sections, whether to return a single spectrum
instead of multiple `~specutils.Spectrum1D` objects. The returned spectrum
will be a unique, concatenated, spectrum of all sub-regions.
spectrum: `~specutils.Spectrum1D` or list of `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
Excised spectrum, or list of spectra if the input region contained multiple
subregions and ``return_single_spectrum`` is `False`.
The region extracted is a discrete subset of the input spectrum. No interpolation is done
on the left and right side of the spectrum.
The region is assumed to be a closed interval (as opposed to Python which is open
on the upper end). For example:
A ``spectrum`` with spectral_axis of ``[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6]*``.
A ``region`` defined as ``SpectralRegion(0.2*, 0.5*``
And we calculate ``sub_spectrum = extract_region(spectrum, region)``, then the ``sub_spectrum``
spectral axis will be ``[0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5] *``.
If the ``region`` does not overlap with the ``spectrum`` then an empty Spectrum1D object
will be returned.
extracted_spectrum = []
for subregion in region._subregions:
left_index, right_index = _subregion_to_edge_pixels(subregion, spectrum)
# If both indices are out of bounds then return an empty spectrum
if left_index == right_index:
empty_spectrum = Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=[]*spectrum.spectral_axis.unit,
extracted_spectrum.append(spectrum[..., left_index:right_index])
# If there is only one subregion in the region then we will
# just return a spectrum.
if len(region) == 1:
extracted_spectrum = extracted_spectrum[0]
# Otherwise, if requested to return a single spectrum, we need to combine
# the spectrum1d objects in extracted_spectrum and return a single object.
elif return_single_spectrum:
concat_keys = ['flux', 'uncertainty', 'mask'] # spectral_axis handled manually
copy_keys = ['velocity_convention', 'rest_value', 'meta']
# NOTE: WCS is intentionally dropped, which will then fallback on lookup
def _get_joined_value(sps, key, unique_inds=None):
if key == 'uncertainty':
# uncertainty cannot be appended directly as its an object,
# not an array so instead we'll take a copy of the first entry
# and overwrite the internal array with an appended array
uncert = sps[0].uncertainty
if uncert is None:
return None
uncert._array = np.concatenate([sp.uncertainty._array for sp in sps])
return uncert[unique_inds] if unique_inds is not None else uncert
elif key in concat_keys or key == 'spectral_axis':
if getattr(sps[0], key) is None:
return None
concat_arr = np.concatenate([getattr(sp, key) for sp in sps])
return concat_arr[unique_inds] if unique_inds is not None else concat_arr
# all were extracted from the same input spectrum, so we don't
# need to make sure the properties match
return getattr(sps[0], key)
# we'll need to account for removing overlapped regions in the spectral axis,
# so we'll concatenate that first and track the unique indices
spectral_axis = _get_joined_value(extracted_spectrum, 'spectral_axis')
spectral_axis_unique, unique_inds = np.unique(spectral_axis, return_index=True)
return Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=spectral_axis_unique,
**{key: _get_joined_value(extracted_spectrum, key, unique_inds)
for key in concat_keys+copy_keys})
return extracted_spectrum
def spectral_slab(spectrum, lower, upper):
Extract a slab from the input `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
defined by the lower and upper bounds defined by the ``region``
instance. The extracted region will be returned as a new
spectrum: `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
The spectrum object from which the region will be extracted.
lower, upper: `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The lower and upper bounds of the region to extract
from the original spectrum.
spectrum: `~specutils.Spectrum1D` or list of `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
Excised spectrum, or list of spectra if the input region contained multiple
This is for now just a proxy for function `extract_region`, to ease the
transition from spectral-cube.
region = SpectralRegion(lower, upper)
return extract_region(spectrum, region)
def extract_bounding_spectral_region(spectrum, region):
Extract the entire bounding region that encompasses all sub-regions
contained in a multi-sub-region instance of `~specutils.SpectralRegion`.
In case only one sub-region exists, this method is equivalent to
spectrum: `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
The spectrum object from which the region will be extracted.
region: `~specutils.SpectralRegion`
The spectral region to extract from the original spectrum, comprised
of one or more sub-regions.
spectrum: `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
Excised spectrum from the bounding region defined by the set of
sub-regions in the input ``region`` instance.
# If there is only one subregion in the region then we will
# just return a spectrum.
if len(region) == 1:
return extract_region(spectrum, region)
min_left = sys.maxsize
max_right = -sys.maxsize - 1
# Look for indices that bound the entire set of sub-regions.
index_list = [_subregion_to_edge_pixels(sr, spectrum) for sr in region._subregions]
for left_index, right_index in index_list:
if left_index is not None:
min_left = min(left_index, min_left)
if right_index is not None:
max_right = max(right_index, max_right)
# If both indices are out of bounds then return an empty spectrum
if min_left is None and max_right is None:
empty_spectrum = Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=[]*spectrum.spectral_axis.unit,
return empty_spectrum
# If only one index is out of bounds then set it to
# the lower or upper extent
if min_left is None:
min_left = 0
if max_right is None:
max_right = len(spectrum.spectral_axis)
if min_left > max_right:
min_left, max_right = max_right, min_left
return spectrum[..., min_left:max_right]