Source code for specutils.manipulation.estimate_uncertainty
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from .. import Spectrum1D
from astropy.nddata.nduncertainty import StdDevUncertainty, VarianceUncertainty, InverseVariance
from .extract_spectral_region import extract_region
__all__ = ['noise_region_uncertainty']
def noise_region_uncertainty(spectrum, spectral_region, noise_func=np.std):
Generates a new spectrum with an uncertainty from the noise in a particular
region of the spectrum.
spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
The spectrum to which we want to set the uncertainty.
spectral_region : `~specutils.SpectralRegion`
The region to use to calculate the standard deviation.
noise_func : callable
A function which takes the (1D) flux in the ``spectral_region`` and
yields a *single* value for the noise to use in the result spectrum.
spectrum_uncertainty : `~specutils.Spectrum1D`
The ``spectrum``, but with a constant uncertainty set by the result of
the noise region calculation
# Extract the sub spectrum based on the region
sub_spectra = extract_region(spectrum, spectral_region)
# TODO: make this work right for multi-dimensional spectrum1D's?
if not isinstance(sub_spectra, list):
sub_spectra = [sub_spectra]
sub_flux = u.Quantity(np.concatenate([s.flux.value for s in sub_spectra]),
# Compute the standard deviation of the flux.
noise = noise_func(sub_flux)
# Uncertainty type will be selected based on the unit coming from the
# noise function compared to the original spectral flux units.
if noise.unit == spectrum.flux.unit:
uncertainty = StdDevUncertainty(noise*np.ones(spectrum.flux.shape))
elif noise.unit == spectrum.flux.unit**2:
uncertainty = VarianceUncertainty(noise*np.ones(spectrum.flux.shape))
elif noise.unit == 1/(spectrum.flux.unit**2):
uncertainty = InverseVariance(noise*np.ones(spectrum.flux.shape))
raise ValueError('Can not determine correct NDData Uncertainty based on units {} relative to the flux units {}'.format(noise.unit, spectrum.flux.unit))
# Return new specturm with uncertainty set.
return Spectrum1D(flux=spectrum.flux, spectral_axis=spectrum.spectral_axis,