Source code for specutils.spectra.spectrum_mixin

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import astropy.units.equivalencies as eq
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated

DOPPLER_CONVENTIONS['radio'] = u.doppler_radio
DOPPLER_CONVENTIONS['optical'] = u.doppler_optical
DOPPLER_CONVENTIONS['relativistic'] = u.doppler_relativistic

__all__ = ['OneDSpectrumMixin']

[docs] class OneDSpectrumMixin(): @property def _spectral_axis_numpy_index(self): return - 1 - self.wcs.wcs.spec @property def _spectral_axis_len(self): """ How many elements are in the spectral dimension? """ return[self._spectral_axis_numpy_index] @property def _data_with_spectral_axis_last(self): """ Returns a view of the data with the spectral axis last """ if self._spectral_axis_numpy_index == - 1: return else: return, - 1) @property def _data_with_spectral_axis_first(self): """ Returns a view of the data with the spectral axis first """ if self._spectral_axis_numpy_index == 0: return else: return, 0) @property def spectral_wcs(self): """ Returns the spectral axes of the WCS """ return self.wcs.axes.spectral @property def spectral_axis(self): """ Returns the SpectralCoord object. """ return self._spectral_axis @property @deprecated('v1.1', alternative="spectral_axis.unit") def spectral_axis_unit(self): """ Returns the units of the spectral axis. """ return u.Unit(self.wcs.world_axis_units[0]) @property def flux(self): """ Converts the stored data and unit information into a quantity. Returns ------- `~astropy.units.Quantity` Spectral data as a quantity. """ return u.Quantity(, unit=self.unit, copy=False)
[docs] @deprecated('v1.13', alternative="with_flux_unit") def new_flux_unit(self, unit, equivalencies=None, suppress_conversion=False): return self.with_flux_unit(unit, equivalencies=equivalencies, suppress_conversion=suppress_conversion)
[docs] def with_flux_unit(self, unit, equivalencies=None, suppress_conversion=False): """ Returns a new spectrum with a different flux unit Parameters ---------- unit : str or `~astropy.units.Unit` The unit to convert the flux array to. equivalencies : list of equivalencies Custom equivalencies to apply to conversions. Set to spectral_density by default. suppress_conversion : bool Set to true if updating the unit without converting data values. Returns ------- `~specutils.Spectrum1D` A new spectrum with the converted flux array """ new_spec = deepcopy(self) if not suppress_conversion: if equivalencies is None: equivalencies = eq.spectral_density(self.spectral_axis) new_data = unit, equivalencies=equivalencies) new_spec._data = new_data.value new_spec._unit = new_data.unit else: new_spec._unit = u.Unit(unit) return new_spec
@property def velocity_convention(self): """ Returns the velocity convention """ return self.spectral_axis.doppler_convention
[docs] def with_velocity_convention(self, velocity_convention): return self.__class__(flux=self.flux, wcs=self.wcs, meta=self.meta, velocity_convention=velocity_convention)
@property def rest_value(self): return self.spectral_axis.doppler_rest @rest_value.setter def rest_value(self, value): self.spectral_axis.doppler_rest = value @property def velocity(self): """ Converts the spectral axis array to the given velocity space unit given the rest value. These aren't input parameters but required Spectrum attributes Parameters ---------- unit : str or ~`astropy.units.Unit` The unit to convert the dispersion array to. rest : ~`astropy.units.Quantity` Any quantity supported by the standard spectral equivalencies (wavelength, energy, frequency, wave number). type : {"doppler_relativistic", "doppler_optical", "doppler_radio"} The type of doppler spectral equivalency. redshift or radial_velocity If present, this shift is applied to the final output velocity to get into the rest frame of the object. Returns ------- ~`astropy.units.Quantity` The converted dispersion array in the new dispersion space. """ if self.rest_value is None: raise ValueError("Cannot get velocity representation of spectral " "axis without specifying a reference value.") if self.velocity_convention is None: raise ValueError("Cannot get velocity representation of spectral " "axis without specifying a velocity convention.") equiv = getattr(u.equivalencies, 'doppler_{0}'.format( self.velocity_convention))(self.rest_value) new_data =, equivalencies=equiv).quantity # if redshift/rv is present, apply it: if self.spectral_axis.radial_velocity is not None: new_data += self.spectral_axis.radial_velocity return new_data
[docs] @deprecated('v1.13', alternative="with_spectral_axis_unit") def with_spectral_unit(self, unit, velocity_convention=None, rest_value=None): self.with_spectral_axis_unit(unit, velocity_convention=velocity_convention, rest_value=rest_value)
[docs] def with_spectral_axis_unit(self, unit, velocity_convention=None, rest_value=None): """ Returns a new spectrum with a different spectral axis unit. Note that this creates a new object using the converted spectral axis and thus drops the original WCS, if it existed, replacing it with a lookup-table :class:`~gwcs.wcs.WCS` based on the new spectral axis. The original WCS will be stored in the ``original_wcs`` entry of the new object's ``meta`` dictionary. Parameters ---------- unit : :class:`~astropy.units.Unit` Any valid spectral unit: velocity, (wave)length, or frequency. Only vacuum units are supported. velocity_convention : 'relativistic', 'radio', or 'optical' The velocity convention to use for the output velocity axis. Required if the output type is velocity. This can be either one of the above strings, or an `astropy.units` equivalency. rest_value : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` A rest wavelength or frequency with appropriate units. Required if output type is velocity. The spectrum's WCS should include this already if the *input* type is velocity, but the WCS's rest wavelength/frequency can be overridden with this parameter. .. note: This must be the rest frequency/wavelength *in vacuum*, even if your spectrum has air wavelength units """ velocity_convention = velocity_convention if velocity_convention is not None else self.velocity_convention # noqa rest_value = rest_value if rest_value is not None else self.rest_value unit = self._new_wcs_argument_validation(unit, velocity_convention, rest_value) # Store the original unit information and WCS for posterity meta = deepcopy(self._meta) if 'original_spectral_axis_unit' not in self._meta: orig_unit = self.wcs.unit[0] if hasattr(self.wcs, 'unit') else self.spectral_axis.unit meta['original_spectral_axis_unit'] = orig_unit if 'original_wcs' not in self.meta: meta['original_wcs'] = self.wcs.deepcopy() new_spectral_axis =, doppler_convention=velocity_convention, doppler_rest=rest_value) return self.__class__(flux=self.flux, spectral_axis=new_spectral_axis, meta=meta, uncertainty=self.uncertainty, mask=self.mask)
def _new_wcs_argument_validation(self, unit, velocity_convention, rest_value): # Allow string specification of units, for example if not isinstance(unit, u.UnitBase): unit = u.Unit(unit) # Velocity conventions: required for frq <-> velo # convert_spectral_axis will handle the case of no velocity # convention specified & one is required if velocity_convention in DOPPLER_CONVENTIONS: velocity_convention = DOPPLER_CONVENTIONS[velocity_convention] elif (velocity_convention is not None and velocity_convention not in DOPPLER_CONVENTIONS.values()): raise ValueError("Velocity convention must be radio, optical, " "or relativistic.") # If rest value is specified, it must be a quantity if (rest_value is not None and (not hasattr(rest_value, 'unit') or not rest_value.unit.is_equivalent(u.m, u.spectral()))): raise ValueError("Rest value must be specified as an astropy " "quantity with spectral equivalence.") return unit def _check_strictly_increasing_decreasing(self): """ Check that the self._spectral_axis is strictly increasing or decreasing and raise an error if its not. """ spec_axis = self._spectral_axis sorted_increasing = np.all(spec_axis[1:] >= spec_axis[:-1]) if sorted_increasing: # check increasing first, probably most common case self._spectral_axis_direction = 'increasing' return True sorted_decreasing = np.all(spec_axis[1:] <= spec_axis[:-1]) if sorted_decreasing: self._spectral_axis_direction = 'decreasing' return True return False
class InplaceModificationMixin: # Example methods follow to demonstrate how methods can be written to be # agnostic of the non-spectral dimensions. def substract_background(self, background): """ Proof of concept, this subtracts a background spectrum-wise """ data = self._data_with_spectral_axis_last if callable(background): # create substractable array pass elif (isinstance(background, np.ndarray) and background.shape == data[-1].shape): substractable_continuum = background else: raise ValueError( "background needs to be callable or have the same shape as the spectum") data[-1] -= substractable_continuum def normalize(self): """ Proof of concept, this normalizes each spectral dimension based on a trapezoidal integration. """ # this gets a view - if we want normalize to return a new NDData object # then we should make _data_with_spectral_axis_first return a copy. data = self._data_with_spectral_axis_first dx = np.diff(self.spectral_axis) dy = 0.5 * (data[:-1] + data[1:]) norm = np.sum(dx * dy.transpose(), axis=-1).transpose() data /= norm def spectral_interpolation(self, spectral_value, flux_unit=None): """ Proof of concept, this interpolates along the spectral dimension """ data = self._data_with_spectral_axis_last from scipy.interpolate import interp1d interp = interp1d(self.spectral_axis.value, data) x =, equivalencies=u.spectral()) y = interp(x) if self.unit is not None: y *= self.unit if flux_unit is None: # Lim: Is this acceptable? return y else: return, equivalencies=u.spectral_density(x))