import itertools
import sys
from astropy.table import QTable
import astropy.units as u
class SpectralRegion:
A `SpectralRegion` is a container class for regions (intervals) along a
spectral coordinate.
This class can either represent a single contiguous region or a set of
regions related to each other in some way (For example, a pair of
continuum windows around a line or a doublet of lines).
*args : variable
Either a single parameter or two parameters can be given:
* 1 argument ``regioniter``: An iterable of length-2
`~astropy.units.Quantity` objects (or a single n x 2
`~astropy.units.Quantity` object), where the length-2 dimension is
``lower``, ``upper``.
* ``lower``, ``upper``: Each should be an `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The subregions will be ordered based on the lower bound of each subregion.
def __init__(self, *args):
# Create instance variables
self._subregions = None
# Set the values (using the setters for doing the proper checking)
if len(args) == 1:
if all([self._is_2_element(x) for x in args[0]]):
self._subregions = [tuple(x) for x in args[0]]
raise ValueError("SpectralRegion 1-argument input must be "
"a list of length-two Quantity objects.")
elif len(args) == 2:
if self._is_2_element(args):
self._subregions = [tuple(args)]
raise ValueError("SpectralRegion 2-argument inputs must be "
"Quantity objects.")
raise TypeError(f'SpectralRegion initializer takes 1 or 2'
f'positional arguments but {len(args)} were given')
# Check validity of the input sub regions.
# The sub-regions are to always be ordered based on the lower bound.
def from_center(cls, center=None, width=None):
SpectralRegion class method that enables the definition of a
`SpectralRegion` from the center and width rather than lower and
upper bounds.
center : Scalar `~astropy.units.Quantity` with pixel or any valid ``spectral_axis`` unit
The center of the spectral region.
width : Scalar `~astropy.units.Quantity` with pixel or any valid ``spectral_axis`` unit
The full width of the spectral region (upper bound - lower bound).
if width.value <= 0:
raise ValueError("SpectralRegion width must be positive.")
if center.unit.physical_type not in ('length', 'unknown'):
return cls(center + width/2, center - width/2)
return cls(center - width/2, center + width/2)
def from_line_list(cls, table, width=1):
Generate a ``SpectralRegion`` instance from the `~astropy.table.QTable`
object returned from `~specutils.fitting.find_lines_derivative` or
table : `~astropy.table.QTable`
List of found lines.
width : float
The width of the spectral line region. If not unit information is
provided, it's assumed to be the same units as used in the line
list table.
The spectral region based on the line list.
width = u.Quantity(width, table['line_center'].unit)
return cls([(x - width * 0.5, x + width * 0.5)
for x in table['line_center']])
def from_qtable(cls, table):
Generate a ``SpectralRegion`` instance from an `~astropy.table.QTable`
object has has ``lower_bound`` and ``upper_bound`` columns
table : `~astropy.table.QTable`
An `~astropy.table.QTable` object with ``lower_bound`` and ``upper_bound`` columns.
The spectral region based on the table of bounds.
subregions = []
for row in table:
subregions.append([row["lower_bound"], row["upper_bound"]])
return cls(subregions)
def read(cls, filename):
Create a ``SpectralRegion`` from an ecsv file output by the
``SpectralRegion.write`` method.
filename : str
The name of the ecsv file on disk to be read in as a ``SpectralRegion``.
table =
return cls.from_qtable(table)
def _info(self):
Pretty print the sub-regions.
toreturn = "Spectral Region, {} sub-regions:\n".format(
# Setup the subregion text.
subregion_text = []
for ii, subregion in enumerate(self._subregions):
subregion_text.append(' ({}, {})'.format(subregion[0], subregion[1]))
# Determine the length of the text boxes.
max_len = max(len(srt) for srt in subregion_text) + 1
ncols = 70 // max_len
# Add sub region info to the output text.
fmt = '{' + ':<{}'.format(max_len) + '}'
for ii, srt in enumerate(subregion_text):
toreturn += fmt.format(srt)
if ii % ncols == (ncols-1):
toreturn += '\n'
return toreturn
def __str__(self):
return self._info()
def __repr__(self):
return self._info()
def __add__(self, other):
Ability to add two SpectralRegion classes together.
return SpectralRegion(self._subregions + other._subregions)
def __iadd__(self, other):
Ability to add one SpectralRegion to another using +=.
self._subregions += other._subregions
return self
def __len__(self):
Number of spectral regions.
return len(self._subregions)
def __getslice__(self, item):
Enable slicing of the SpectralRegion list.
return SpectralRegion(self._subregions[item])
def __getitem__(self, item):
Enable slicing or extracting the SpectralRegion.
if isinstance(item, slice):
return self.__getslice__(item)
return SpectralRegion([self._subregions[item]])
def __delitem__(self, item):
Delete a specific item from the list.
del self._subregions[item]
def _valid(self):
bound_unit = self._subregions[0][0].unit
for x in self._subregions:
if x[0].unit != bound_unit or x[1].unit != bound_unit:
raise ValueError("All SpectralRegion bounds must have the same unit.")
if x[0] == x[1]:
raise ValueError("Upper and lower bound must be different values.")
return True
def _is_2_element(value):
Helper function to check a variable to see if it
is a 2-tuple of Quantity objects.
return len(value) == 2 and \
isinstance(value[0], u.Quantity) and \
isinstance(value[1], u.Quantity)
def _reorder(self):
Re-order the list based on lower bounds.
self._subregions.sort(key=lambda k: k[0])
def subregions(self):
An iterable over ``(lower, upper)`` tuples that are each of the
return self._subregions
def bounds(self):
Compute the lower and upper extent of the SpectralRegion.
return self.lower, self.upper
def lower(self):
The most minimum value of the sub-regions.
The sub-regions are ordered based on the lower bound, so the
lower bound for this instance is the lower bound of the first
return self._subregions[0][0]
def upper(self):
The most maximum value of the sub-regions.
The sub-regions are ordered based on the lower bound, but the
upper bound might not be the upper bound of the last sub-region
so we have to look for it.
return max(x[1] for x in self._subregions)
def invert_from_spectrum(self, spectrum):
Invert a SpectralRegion based on the extent of the
input spectrum.
See notes in SpectralRegion.invert() method.
return self.invert(spectrum.spectral_axis[0],
def _in_range(self, value, lower, upper):
return (value >= lower) and (value <= upper)
def invert(self, lower_bound, upper_bound):
Invert this spectral region. That is, given a set of sub-regions this
object defines, create a new `SpectralRegion` such that the sub-regions
are defined in the new one as regions *not* in this `SpectralRegion`.
lower_bound : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The lower bound of the region. Can be scalar with pixel or any
valid ``spectral_axis`` unit
upper_bound : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The upper bound of the region. Can be scalar with pixel or any
valid ``spectral_axis`` unit
spectral_region : `~specutils.SpectralRegion`
Spectral region of the non-selected regions
This is applicable if, for example, a `SpectralRegion` has sub-regions
defined for peaks in a spectrum and then one wants to create a
`SpectralRegion` defined as all the *non*-peaks, then one could use this
As an example, assume this SpectralRegion is defined as
``sr = SpectralRegion([(0.45*, 0.6*, (0.8*, 0.9*])``.
If we call ``sr_invert = sr.invert(0.3*, 1.0*`` then
``sr_invert`` will be
``SpectralRegion([(0.3*, 0.45*, (0.6*, 0.8*, (0.9*, 1*])``
# Create 'rs' region list with left and right extra ranges.
min_num = -sys.maxsize-1
max_num = sys.maxsize
rs = self._subregions + [(min_num*, lower_bound),
(upper_bound, max_num*]
# Sort the region list based on lower bound.
sorted_regions = sorted(rs, key=lambda k: k[0])
# Create new region list that has overlapping regions merged
merged = []
for higher in sorted_regions:
if not merged:
lower = merged[-1]
# test for intersection between lower and higher:
# we know via sorting that lower[0] <= higher[0]
if higher[0] <= lower[1]:
upper_bound = max(lower[1], higher[1])
merged[-1] = (lower[0], upper_bound) # replace by merged interval
# Create new list and drop first and last (the maxsize ones).
# We go from -inf, upper1, lower2, upper2....
# and remap to lower1, upper1, lower2, ...
newlist = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(merged))
newlist = newlist[1:-1]
# Now create new Spectrum region
return SpectralRegion([(x, y) for x, y in zip(newlist[0::2], newlist[1::2])])
def _table(self):
# Return the information defining the spectral region as an astropy QTable
lower_bounds = []
upper_bounds = []
for subregion in self.subregions:
return QTable([lower_bounds, upper_bounds], names=("lower_bound", "upper_bound"))
def as_table(self):
"""Returns an `~astropy.table.QTable` with the upper and lower bound
of each subregion in the ``SpectralRegion``."""
return self._table
def write(self, filename="spectral_region.ecsv", overwrite=True):
Write the SpectralRegion to an ecsv file using `~astropy.table.QTable`.
Overwrites by default.
if not filename.endswith("ecsv"):
raise ValueError("SpectralRegions can only be written out to ecsv files.")
self._table.write(filename, overwrite=overwrite)