Source code for specutils.manipulation.manipulation

A module for analysis tools dealing with uncertainties or error analysis in

import copy
import operator

from astropy.nddata import StdDevUncertainty

__all__ = ['snr_threshold']

[docs] def snr_threshold(spectrum, value, """ Calculate the mean S/N of the spectrum based on the flux and uncertainty in the spectrum. This will be calculated over the regions, if they are specified. Parameters ---------- spectrum : `~specutils.Spectrum1D`, `~specutils.SpectrumCollection` or `~astropy.nddata.NDData` The spectrum object overwhich the S/N threshold will be calculated. value: ``float`` Threshold value to be applied to flux / uncertainty. op: One of,,, operator.le or the str equivalent '>', '>=', '<', '<=' The mathematical operator to apply for thresholding. Returns ------- spectrum: `~specutils.Spectrum1D` Output object with ``spectrum.mask`` set based on threshold. Notes ----- The input object will need to have the uncertainty defined in order for the SNR to be calculated. """ # Setup the mapping operator_mapping = { '>':, '<':, '>=':, '<=': operator.le } if not hasattr(spectrum, 'uncertainty') or spectrum.uncertainty is None: raise Exception("S/N thresholding requires the uncertainty be defined.") if (op not in [,,, operator.le] and op not in operator_mapping.keys()): raise ValueError('Threshold operator must be a string or operator that represents ' + 'greater-than, less-than, greater-than-or-equal or ' + 'less-than-or-equal') # If the operator passed in is a string, then map to the # operator method. if isinstance(op, str): op = operator_mapping[op] # Spectrum1D if hasattr(spectrum, 'flux'): data = spectrum.flux # NDData elif hasattr(spectrum, 'data'): data = * (spectrum.unit if spectrum.unit is not None else 1) else: raise ValueError('Could not find data attribute.') # NDData convention: Masks should follow the numpy convention that valid # data points are marked by False and invalid ones with True. mask = ~op(data / (spectrum.uncertainty.represent_as(StdDevUncertainty).quantity), value) spectrum_out = copy.copy(spectrum) spectrum_out._mask = mask return spectrum_out