A module containing the mechanics of the specutils io registry.
import inspect
import os
import pathlib
import sys
import warnings
from functools import wraps
from astropy.io import registry as io_registry
from ..spectra import Spectrum1D, SpectrumList, SpectrumCollection
__all__ = ['data_loader', 'custom_writer', 'get_loaders_by_extension', 'identify_spectrum_format']
def _astropy_has_priorities():
Check if astropy has support for loader priorities
sig = inspect.signature(io_registry.register_reader)
if sig.parameters.get("priority") is not None:
return True
return False
def data_loader(label, identifier=None, dtype=Spectrum1D, extensions=None,
priority=0, force=False, autogenerate_spectrumlist=True, verbose=False):
Wraps a function that can be added to an `~astropy.io.registry` for custom
file reading.
label : str
The label given to the function inside the registry.
identifier : func
The identified function used to verify that a file is to use a
particular file.
dtype : class
A class reference for which the data loader should be store.
extensions : list
A list of file extensions this loader supports loading from. In the
case that no identifier function is defined, but a list of file
extensions is, a simple identifier function will be created to check
for consistency with the extensions.
priority : int
Set the priority of the loader. Currently influences the sorting of the
returned loaders for a dtype.
force : bool, optional
Whether to override any existing function if already present.
Default is ``False``. Passed down to astropy registry.
autogenerate_spectrumlist : bool, optional
Whether to automatically register a SpectrumList reader for any
data_loader that reads Spectrum1D objects. Default is ``True``.
verbose : bool
Print extra info.
def identifier_wrapper(ident):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
'''In case the identifier function raises an exception, log that and continue'''
return ident(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
if verbose:
print(f"Tried to read this as {label} file, but could not: {repr(e)}")
return False
return wrapper
def decorator(func):
if _astropy_has_priorities():
label, dtype, func, priority=priority, force=force,
label, dtype, func, force=force,
if identifier is None:
# If the identifier is not defined, but the extensions are, create
# a simple identifier based off file extension.
if extensions is not None:
if verbose:
print(f"'{label}' data loader provided for {dtype.__name__} without "
"explicit identifier. Creating identifier using "
"list of compatible extensions")
id_func = lambda *args, **kwargs: any([args[1].endswith(x)
for x in extensions])
# Otherwise, create a dummy identifier
warnings.warn(f"'{label}' data loader provided for {dtype.__name__} without "
"explicit identifier or list of compatible "
id_func = lambda *args, **kwargs: True
id_func = identifier_wrapper(identifier)
label, dtype, id_func, force=force,
# Include the file extensions as attributes on the function object
func.extensions = extensions
if verbose:
print(f"Successfully loaded reader \"{label}\".")
# Optionally register a SpectrumList reader for any data_loader that
# reads Spectrum1D objects.
if dtype is Spectrum1D and autogenerate_spectrumlist:
def load_spectrum_list(*args, **kwargs):
return SpectrumList([ func(*args, **kwargs) ])
# Add these attributes to the SpectrumList reader as well
load_spectrum_list.extensions = extensions
load_spectrum_list.priority = priority
if _astropy_has_priorities():
label, SpectrumList, load_spectrum_list, priority=priority,
label, SpectrumList, load_spectrum_list, force=force,
label, SpectrumList, id_func, force=force,
if verbose:
print(f"Created SpectrumList reader for \"{label}\".")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
def custom_writer(label, dtype=Spectrum1D, priority=0, force=False):
def decorator(func):
if _astropy_has_priorities():
label, dtype, func, priority=priority, force=force,
io_registry.register_writer(label, dtype, func, force=force)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
def get_loaders_by_extension(extension):
Retrieve a list of loader labels associated with a given extension.
extension : str
The extension for which associated loaders will be matched against.
loaders : list
A list of loader names that are associated with the extension.
def _registered_readers():
# With the implementation of priorities support in the astropy registry
# loaders, astropy version 4.2 and up return a tuple of ``func`` and
# ``priority``, while versions < 4.2 return just the ``func`` object.
# This function ignores priorities when calling extension loaders.
return [((fmt, cls), func[0])
if isinstance(func, tuple) else ((fmt, cls), func)
for (fmt, cls), func in io_registry._readers.items()]
return [fmt for (fmt, cls), func in _registered_readers()
if issubclass(cls, Spectrum1D) and
func.extensions is not None and
extension in func.extensions]
def _load_user_io():
# Get the path relative to the user's home directory
path = os.path.expanduser("~/.specutils")
# Import all python files from the directory if it exists
if os.path.exists(path):
for file in os.listdir(path):
if not file.endswith("py"):
import importlib.util as util
spec = util.spec_from_file_location(file[:-3],
os.path.join(path, file))
mod = util.module_from_spec(spec)
except ImportError:
from importlib import import_module
sys.path.insert(0, path)
except ModuleNotFoundError: # noqa