import warnings
import numpy as np
from astropy.nddata import StdDevUncertainty
from ..manipulation import (FluxConservingResampler,
from ..spectra.spectrum1d import Spectrum1D
__all__ = ['template_match', 'template_redshift']
def _normalize_for_template_matching(observed_spectrum, template_spectrum, stddev=None):
Calculate a scale factor to be applied to the template spectrum so the
total flux in both spectra will be the same.
observed_spectrum : :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D`
The observed spectrum.
template_spectrum : :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D`
The template spectrum, which needs to be normalized in order to be
compared with the observed spectrum.
A float which will normalize the template spectrum's flux so that it
can be compared to the observed spectrum.
if stddev is None:
stddev = observed_spectrum.uncertainty.represent_as(StdDevUncertainty).quantity
num = np.nansum((observed_spectrum.flux*template_spectrum.flux) / (stddev**2))
# We need to limit this sum to where observed_spectrum is not NaN as well.
template_filtered = ((template_spectrum.flux / stddev)**2)
template_filtered = template_filtered[np.where(~np.isnan(observed_spectrum.flux))]
denom = np.nansum(template_filtered)
return num/denom
def _resample(resample_method, extrapolation_treatment):
Find the user preferred method of resampling the template spectrum to fit
the observed spectrum.
resample_method: `string`
The type of resampling to be done on the template spectrum.
This is the actual class that will handle the resampling.
if resample_method == "flux_conserving":
return FluxConservingResampler(extrapolation_treatment=extrapolation_treatment)
if resample_method == "linear_interpolated":
return LinearInterpolatedResampler(extrapolation_treatment=extrapolation_treatment)
if resample_method == "spline_interpolated":
return SplineInterpolatedResampler(extrapolation_treatment=extrapolation_treatment)
return None
def _chi_square_for_templates(observed_spectrum, template_spectrum, resample_method,
extrapolation_treatment, warn_no_overlap=True):
Resample the template spectrum to match the wavelength of the observed
spectrum. Then, calculate chi2 on the flux of the two spectra.
observed_spectrum : :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D`
The observed spectrum.
template_spectrum : :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D`
The template spectrum, which will be resampled to match the wavelength
of the observed spectrum.
normalized_template_spectrum : :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D`
The normalized spectrum template.
chi2 : `float`
The chi2 of the flux of the observed spectrum and the flux of the
normalized template spectrum.
# Resample template
if _resample(resample_method, extrapolation_treatment) != 0:
fluxc_resample = _resample(resample_method, extrapolation_treatment)
template_obswavelength = fluxc_resample(template_spectrum,
# With truncate, template may be smaller than observed spectrum if they don't fully overlap
matching_indices = np.intersect1d(observed_spectrum.spectral_axis,
if len(matching_indices) == 0:
if warn_no_overlap:
warnings.warn("Template spectrum has no overlap with observed spectrum.")
return None, np.nan
observed_truncated = observed_spectrum[matching_indices.min():matching_indices.max()+1]
# Convert the uncertainty to standard deviation if needed
stddev = observed_truncated.uncertainty.represent_as(StdDevUncertainty).array
# Normalize spectra
normalization = _normalize_for_template_matching(observed_truncated,
# Numerator
num_right = normalization * template_obswavelength.flux
num = observed_truncated.flux - num_right
# Denominator
denom = stddev * observed_truncated.flux.unit
# Get chi square
result = (num/denom)**2
chi2 = np.nansum(result.value)
# Create normalized template spectrum, which will be returned with
# corresponding chi2
normalized_template_spectrum = Spectrum1D(
return normalized_template_spectrum, chi2
def template_match(observed_spectrum, spectral_templates, redshift=None,
resample_method="flux_conserving", extrapolation_treatment="truncate"):
Find which spectral templates is the best fit to an observed spectrum by
computing the chi-squared. If two template_spectra have the same chi2, the
first template is returned.
observed_spectrum : :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D`
The observed spectrum.
spectral_templates : :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D` or :class:`~specutils.SpectrumCollection` or `list`
That will give a single :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D` when iterated
over. The template spectra, which will be resampled, normalized, and
compared to the observed spectrum, where the smallest chi2 and
normalized template spectrum will be returned.
redshift : 'float', `int`, `list`, `tuple`, 'numpy.array`
If the user knows the redshift they want to apply to the spectrum/spectra within spectral_templates,
then this float or int value redshift can be applied to each template before attempting the match.
Or, alternatively, an iterable with redshift values to be applied to each template, before computation
of the corresponding chi2 value, can be passed via this same parameter. For each template, the redshift
value that results in the smallest chi2 is used.
resample_method : `string`
Three resample options: flux_conserving, linear_interpolated, and spline_interpolated.
Anything else does not resample the spectrum.
extrapolation_treatment : `string`
Three options for what to do if the template spectrum and observed spectrum have regions
that do not overlap: ``nan_fill`` and ``zero_fill`` to fill the non-overlapping bins,
or ``truncate`` to remove the non-overlapping bins. Passed to the resampler, defaults to
normalized_template_spectrum : :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D`
The template spectrum that has been normalized and resampled to the observed
spectrum's spectral axis.
redshift : `None` or `float`
The value of the redshift that provides the smallest chi2.
smallest_chi_index : `int`
The index of the spectrum with the smallest chi2 in spectral templates.
chi2_min : `float`
The chi2 of the flux of the observed_spectrum and the flux of the
normalized template spectrum.
chi2_list : `list`
A list with all chi2 values found for each template spectrum.
final_redshift = None
if hasattr(spectral_templates, 'flux') and len(spectral_templates.flux.shape) == 1:
# Account for redshift if provided
chi2_list = []
if redshift is not None:
results = template_redshift(observed_spectrum, spectral_templates, redshift=redshift)
redshifted_spectrum, final_redshift, normalized_spectral_template, chi2, chi2_inner_list = results # noqa
normalized_spectral_template, chi2 = _chi_square_for_templates(
observed_spectrum, spectral_templates, resample_method, extrapolation_treatment)
return normalized_spectral_template, final_redshift, 0, chi2, chi2_list
# At this point, the template spectrum is either a ``SpectrumCollection``
# or a multi-dimensional``Spectrum1D``. Loop through the object and return
# the template spectrum with the lowest chi square and its corresponding
# chi square.
chi2_min = None
smallest_chi_spec = None
chi2_list = []
final_redshift = None
temp_redshift = None
for index, spectrum in enumerate(spectral_templates):
# Account for redshift if provided
if redshift is not None:
results = template_redshift(observed_spectrum, spectrum, redshift=redshift)
redshifted_spectrum, temp_redshift, normalized_spectral_template, chi2, chi2_inner_list = results # noqa
normalized_spectral_template, chi2 = _chi_square_for_templates(
observed_spectrum, spectrum, resample_method, extrapolation_treatment)
if chi2_min is None or chi2 < chi2_min:
chi2_min = chi2
smallest_chi_spec = normalized_spectral_template
smallest_chi_index = index
final_redshift = temp_redshift
return smallest_chi_spec, final_redshift, smallest_chi_index, chi2_min, chi2_list
def template_redshift(observed_spectrum, template_spectrum, redshift,
resample_method="flux_conserving", extrapolation_treatment="truncate"):
Find the best-fit redshift for template_spectrum to match observed_spectrum using chi2.
observed_spectrum : :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D`
The observed spectrum.
template_spectrum : :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D`
The template spectrum, which will have it's redshift calculated.
redshift : `float`, `int`, `list`, `tuple`, 'numpy.array`
A scalar or iterable with the redshift values to test.
resample_method : `string`
Three resample options: flux_conserving, linear_interpolated, and spline_interpolated.
Anything else does not resample the spectrum.
extrapolation_treatment : `string`
Three options for what to do if the template spectrum and observed spectrum have regions
that do not overlap: ``nan_fill`` and ``zero_fill`` to fill the non-overlapping bins,
or ``truncate`` to remove the non-overlapping bins. Passed to the resampler, defaults to
redshifted_spectrum: :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D`
A new Spectrum1D object which incorporates the template_spectrum with a spectral_axis
that has been redshifted using the final_redshift, and resampled to that of the
observed spectrum.
final_redshift : `float`
The best-fit redshift for template_spectrum to match the observed_spectrum.
normalized_template_spectrum : :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D`
The normalized spectrum template.
chi2_min: `float`
The smallest chi2 value that was found.
chi2_list : `list`
A list with the chi2 values corresponding to each input redshift value.
chi2_min = None
final_redshift = None
final_spectrum = None
chi2_list = []
redshift = np.array(redshift).reshape((np.array(redshift).size,))
# Loop which goes through available redshift values and finds the smallest chi2
for rs in redshift:
# Create new redshifted spectrum and run it through the chi2 method
redshifted_spectrum = template_spectrum._copy()
normalized_spectral_template, chi2 = _chi_square_for_templates(observed_spectrum,
# Set new chi2_min if suitable replacement is found
if not np.isnan(chi2) and (chi2_min is None or chi2 < chi2_min):
chi2_min = chi2
final_redshift = rs
final_spectrum = redshifted_spectrum
if final_spectrum is None:
warnings.warn("Template spectrum and observed spectrum have no overlap after"
"applying specified redshift(s) to template.")
return final_spectrum, final_redshift, normalized_spectral_template, chi2_min, chi2_list