Source code for specutils.spectra.spectral_region

import itertools
import sys

from astropy.table import QTable
import astropy.units as u

[docs] class SpectralRegion: """ A `SpectralRegion` is a container class for regions (intervals) along a spectral coordinate. This class can either represent a single contiguous region or a set of regions related to each other in some way (For example, a pair of continuum windows around a line or a doublet of lines). Parameters ---------- *args : variable Either a single parameter or two parameters can be given: * 1 argument ``regioniter``: An iterable of length-2 `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects (or a single n x 2 `~astropy.units.Quantity` object), where the length-2 dimension is ``lower``, ``upper``. * ``lower``, ``upper``: Each should be an `~astropy.units.Quantity` object. Notes ----- The subregions will be ordered based on the lower bound of each subregion. """ def __init__(self, *args): # Create instance variables self._subregions = None # Set the values (using the setters for doing the proper checking) if len(args) == 1: if all([self._is_2_element(x) for x in args[0]]): self._subregions = [tuple(x) for x in args[0]] else: raise ValueError("SpectralRegion 1-argument input must be " "a list of length-two Quantity objects.") elif len(args) == 2: if self._is_2_element(args): self._subregions = [tuple(args)] else: raise ValueError("SpectralRegion 2-argument inputs must be " "Quantity objects.") else: raise TypeError(f'SpectralRegion initializer takes 1 or 2' f'positional arguments but {len(args)} were given') # Check validity of the input sub regions. self._valid() # The sub-regions are to always be ordered based on the lower bound. self._reorder()
[docs] @classmethod def from_center(cls, center=None, width=None): """ SpectralRegion class method that enables the definition of a `SpectralRegion` from the center and width rather than lower and upper bounds. Parameters ---------- center : Scalar `~astropy.units.Quantity` with pixel or any valid ``spectral_axis`` unit The center of the spectral region. width : Scalar `~astropy.units.Quantity` with pixel or any valid ``spectral_axis`` unit The full width of the spectral region (upper bound - lower bound). """ if width.value <= 0: raise ValueError("SpectralRegion width must be positive.") if center.unit.physical_type not in ('length', 'unknown'): return cls(center + width/2, center - width/2) return cls(center - width/2, center + width/2)
[docs] @classmethod def from_line_list(cls, table, width=1): """ Generate a ``SpectralRegion`` instance from the `~astropy.table.QTable` object returned from `~specutils.fitting.find_lines_derivative` or `~specutils.fitting.find_lines_threshold`. Parameters ---------- table : `~astropy.table.QTable` List of found lines. width : float The width of the spectral line region. If not unit information is provided, it's assumed to be the same units as used in the line list table. Returns ------- `~specutils.SpectralRegion` The spectral region based on the line list. """ width = u.Quantity(width, table['line_center'].unit) return cls([(x - width * 0.5, x + width * 0.5) for x in table['line_center']])
[docs] @classmethod def from_qtable(cls, table): """ Generate a ``SpectralRegion`` instance from an `~astropy.table.QTable` object has has ``lower_bound`` and ``upper_bound`` columns Parameters ---------- table : `~astropy.table.QTable` An `~astropy.table.QTable` object with ``lower_bound`` and ``upper_bound`` columns. Returns ------- `~specutils.SpectralRegion` The spectral region based on the table of bounds. """ subregions = [] for row in table: subregions.append([row["lower_bound"], row["upper_bound"]]) return cls(subregions)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename): """ Create a ``SpectralRegion`` from an ecsv file output by the ``SpectralRegion.write`` method. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the ecsv file on disk to be read in as a ``SpectralRegion``. """ table = return cls.from_qtable(table)
def _info(self): """ Pretty print the sub-regions. """ toreturn = "Spectral Region, {} sub-regions:\n".format( len(self._subregions)) # Setup the subregion text. subregion_text = [] for ii, subregion in enumerate(self._subregions): subregion_text.append(' ({}, {})'.format(subregion[0], subregion[1])) # Determine the length of the text boxes. max_len = max(len(srt) for srt in subregion_text) + 1 ncols = 70 // max_len # Add sub region info to the output text. fmt = '{' + ':<{}'.format(max_len) + '}' for ii, srt in enumerate(subregion_text): toreturn += fmt.format(srt) if ii % ncols == (ncols-1): toreturn += '\n' return toreturn def __str__(self): return self._info() def __repr__(self): return self._info() def __add__(self, other): """ Ability to add two SpectralRegion classes together. """ return SpectralRegion(self._subregions + other._subregions) def __iadd__(self, other): """ Ability to add one SpectralRegion to another using +=. """ self._subregions += other._subregions self._reorder() return self def __len__(self): """ Number of spectral regions. """ return len(self._subregions) def __getslice__(self, item): """ Enable slicing of the SpectralRegion list. """ return SpectralRegion(self._subregions[item]) def __getitem__(self, item): """ Enable slicing or extracting the SpectralRegion. """ if isinstance(item, slice): return self.__getslice__(item) else: return SpectralRegion([self._subregions[item]]) def __delitem__(self, item): """ Delete a specific item from the list. """ del self._subregions[item] def _valid(self): bound_unit = self._subregions[0][0].unit for x in self._subregions: if x[0].unit != bound_unit or x[1].unit != bound_unit: raise ValueError("All SpectralRegion bounds must have the same unit.") if x[0] == x[1]: raise ValueError("Upper and lower bound must be different values.") return True @staticmethod def _is_2_element(value): """ Helper function to check a variable to see if it is a 2-tuple of Quantity objects. """ return len(value) == 2 and \ isinstance(value[0], u.Quantity) and \ isinstance(value[1], u.Quantity) def _reorder(self): """ Re-order the list based on lower bounds. """ self._subregions.sort(key=lambda k: k[0]) @property def subregions(self): """ An iterable over ``(lower, upper)`` tuples that are each of the sub-regions. """ return self._subregions @property def bounds(self): """ Compute the lower and upper extent of the SpectralRegion. """ return self.lower, self.upper @property def lower(self): """ The most minimum value of the sub-regions. The sub-regions are ordered based on the lower bound, so the lower bound for this instance is the lower bound of the first sub-region. """ return self._subregions[0][0] @property def upper(self): """ The most maximum value of the sub-regions. The sub-regions are ordered based on the lower bound, but the upper bound might not be the upper bound of the last sub-region so we have to look for it. """ return max(x[1] for x in self._subregions)
[docs] def invert_from_spectrum(self, spectrum): """ Invert a SpectralRegion based on the extent of the input spectrum. See notes in SpectralRegion.invert() method. """ return self.invert(spectrum.spectral_axis[0], spectrum.spectral_axis[-1])
def _in_range(self, value, lower, upper): return (value >= lower) and (value <= upper)
[docs] def invert(self, lower_bound, upper_bound): """ Invert this spectral region. That is, given a set of sub-regions this object defines, create a new `SpectralRegion` such that the sub-regions are defined in the new one as regions *not* in this `SpectralRegion`. Parameters ---------- lower_bound : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The lower bound of the region. Can be scalar with pixel or any valid ``spectral_axis`` unit upper_bound : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The upper bound of the region. Can be scalar with pixel or any valid ``spectral_axis`` unit Returns ------- spectral_region : `~specutils.SpectralRegion` Spectral region of the non-selected regions Notes ----- This is applicable if, for example, a `SpectralRegion` has sub-regions defined for peaks in a spectrum and then one wants to create a `SpectralRegion` defined as all the *non*-peaks, then one could use this function. As an example, assume this SpectralRegion is defined as ``sr = SpectralRegion([(0.45*, 0.6*, (0.8*, 0.9*])``. If we call ``sr_invert = sr.invert(0.3*, 1.0*`` then ``sr_invert`` will be ``SpectralRegion([(0.3*, 0.45*, (0.6*, 0.8*, (0.9*, 1*])`` """ # # Create 'rs' region list with left and right extra ranges. # min_num = -sys.maxsize-1 max_num = sys.maxsize rs = self._subregions + [(min_num*, lower_bound), (upper_bound, max_num*] # # Sort the region list based on lower bound. # sorted_regions = sorted(rs, key=lambda k: k[0]) # # Create new region list that has overlapping regions merged # merged = [] for higher in sorted_regions: if not merged: merged.append(higher) else: lower = merged[-1] # test for intersection between lower and higher: # we know via sorting that lower[0] <= higher[0] if higher[0] <= lower[1]: upper_bound = max(lower[1], higher[1]) merged[-1] = (lower[0], upper_bound) # replace by merged interval else: merged.append(higher) # # Create new list and drop first and last (the maxsize ones). # We go from -inf, upper1, lower2, upper2.... # and remap to lower1, upper1, lower2, ... # newlist = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(merged)) newlist = newlist[1:-1] # # Now create new Spectrum region # return SpectralRegion([(x, y) for x, y in zip(newlist[0::2], newlist[1::2])])
@property def _table(self): # Return the information defining the spectral region as an astropy QTable lower_bounds = [] upper_bounds = [] for subregion in self.subregions: lower_bounds.append(subregion[0]) upper_bounds.append(subregion[1]) return QTable([lower_bounds, upper_bounds], names=("lower_bound", "upper_bound"))
[docs] def as_table(self): """Returns an `~astropy.table.QTable` with the upper and lower bound of each subregion in the ``SpectralRegion``.""" return self._table
[docs] def write(self, filename="spectral_region.ecsv", overwrite=True): """ Write the SpectralRegion to an ecsv file using `~astropy.table.QTable`. Overwrites by default. """ if not filename.endswith("ecsv"): raise ValueError("SpectralRegions can only be written out to ecsv files.") self._table.write(filename, overwrite=overwrite)