Source code for specutils.fitting.continuum

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.modeling.polynomial import Chebyshev1D
from astropy.modeling.fitting import LevMarLSQFitter

from ..fitting import fit_lines
from ..manipulation.smoothing import median_smooth
from ..spectra import SpectralRegion

__all__ = ['fit_continuum', 'fit_generic_continuum']

[docs] def fit_generic_continuum(spectrum, median_window=3, model=Chebyshev1D(3), fitter=LevMarLSQFitter(), exclude_regions=None, weights=None): """ Basic fitting of the continuum of an input spectrum. The input spectrum is smoothed using a median filter to remove the spikes. Parameters ---------- spectrum : Spectrum1D The spectrum object overwhich the equivalent width will be calculated. model : list of `~astropy.modeling.Model` The list of models that contain the initial guess. median_window : float The width of the median smoothing kernel used to filter the data before fitting the continuum. See the ``kernel_size`` parameter of `~scipy.signal.medfilt` for more information. fitter : `~astropy.fitting._FitterMeta` The astropy fitter to use for fitting the model. Default: `~astropy.modeling.fitting.LevMarLSQFitter` exclude_regions : list of 2-tuples List of regions to exclude in the fitting. Passed through to the fitmodels routine. weights : list (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) List of weights to define importance of fitting regions. Returns ------- continuum_model Fitted continuum as a model of whatever class ``model`` provides. Notes ----- * Could add functionality to set the bounds in ``model`` if they are not set. * The models in the list of ``model`` are added together and passed as a compound model to the `~astropy.modeling.fitting.Fitter` class instance. """ # Simple median smooth to remove spikes and peaks spectrum_smoothed = median_smooth(spectrum, median_window) return fit_continuum(spectrum_smoothed, model=model, fitter=fitter, exclude_regions=exclude_regions, weights=weights)
[docs] def fit_continuum(spectrum, model=Chebyshev1D(3), fitter=LevMarLSQFitter(), exclude_regions=None, window=None, weights=None): """ Entry point for fitting using the `~astropy.modeling.fitting` machinery. Parameters ---------- spectrum : Spectrum1D The spectrum object overwhich the equivalent width will be calculated. model: list of `~astropy.modeling.Model` The list of models that contain the initial guess. fitter : `~astropy.fitting._FitterMeta` The astropy fitter to use for fitting the model. Default: `~astropy.modeling.fitting.LevMarLSQFitter` exclude_regions : list of 2-tuples List of regions to exclude in the fitting. Passed through to the fitmodels routine. window : tuple of wavelengths Start and end wavelengths used for fitting. weights : list (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) List of weights to define importance of fitting regions. Returns ------- models : list of `~astropy.modeling.Model` The list of models that contain the fitted model parameters. """ if weights is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Weights support is not yet implemented.") w = window if type(w) in [list, tuple] and all([_is_valid_sequence(x) for x in w]): w = SpectralRegion(w) # Fit the flux to the model continuum_spectrum = fit_lines(spectrum, model, fitter, exclude_regions, weights, w) return continuum_spectrum
# Checks for sequences of of 2-tuples with Quantities def _is_valid_sequence(value): if type(value) in [list, tuple]: return len(value) == 2 and \ isinstance(value[0], u.Quantity) and \ isinstance(value[1], u.Quantity) return False